Low Impact Harvesting & Forwarding Demonstration Day

TreeWorld Limited are putting on a demonstration of Low Impact Harvesting and Forwarding.

Thursday 22nd September 2011, any time between 10.00am and 3.00pm  – refreshments provided!
Venue: Otley Chevin Forest Park

The aim of the event – which is being held with the continued support of Leeds City Council, C02 Sense & White Rose Forest, is to demonstrate our specialist low impact forest service to customers and industry colleagues.  The TreeWorld team will be carrying out harvesting & extraction operations throughout the demonstration.

As you are probably aware, smaller scale forestry equipment is ideal for reaching remote and hard to access areas, and given its light footprint is ideal for improving woodland access and recreation.

The service is perfectly suited to SSSI, PAWS & Ancient Woodland sites, and private woodlands where conservation and protecting the environment are important.  The Timberdown Harvester & The Oxtrac Forestry Skidder/Forwarder are also suited to areas of woodland and forests where there is a requirement to thin trees without removing racks, thus maintaining continuous cover in the forest and in turn reducing the risk of wind-blow.

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us on: 01132 842240.  Colleagues welcome!
RSPV – for directions & parking details!
Karen & Adrian Waterhouse
TreeWorld Limited
Pool Bank Farm
Pool in Wharfedale
LS21 1EU

01132 842240
01132 843030

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.treeworld.uk.com



