Month: October 2017

  • Building a New ‘Old’ Barn – Part I

    As a tiny acorn can eventually lead to much bigger things, so has the seed of an idea I had of building a new barn to season my wood and store my forestry equipment.   I have been managing two small woodlands on the edge of the High Weald AONB of  East Sussex for 3 or…

  • Memories of the Great Storm of 1987

    Britain went to bed on the night of 15th October 1987 having heard weather forecaster Michael Fish reassure the nation that it might be a bit windy, but there was certainly no prospect of a hurricane engulfing the country.

  • Newsletter October 2017

    We couldn’t let the October newsletter blow by without reminiscing about the great storm of 1987. Arborist Christopher Sparkes shares his memories of Britain’s windiest night. Was the storm actually a blessing in disguise for trees in southern England? Karen Elliott, a winner of both SWOG’s Big Picture Competition and a Woodland Award for photography, tells…